Challenge 1: Designing an image resize API

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    Posted 6 months ago
    • Language/Framework: Node.js with the Express framework. Reasoning: Node.js's non-blocking, event-driven architecture makes it suitable for I/O-intensive tasks like image format conversion. Express provides a minimalist and flexible framework for building APIs. Data Storage: Similar to the previous micro-service, no persistent data storage is needed. Temporary storage might be used during the conversion process, but it can be managed in-memory or using a temporary file system. Source Code Management: GitHub flow would also be used for managing the source code of this micro-service. Consistency in source code management simplifies collaboration and ensures a unified workflow. Multiple Apps/Containers Management: Docker Compose can be utilized for managing multiple containers during development and testing. For production deployment, Kubernetes or Docker Swarm would offer scalability and reliability in managing containerized applications.

      Posted 9 months ago

      Other Comments

      • 1. JS for framework is NextJS 2. Server-Side Rendering, Good for performance and SEO. Built on top of React and easy to use, Long term support. Has modern "accessories" and Features. React has a huge ecosystem and you can also access it using NEXTJS It's just React Pro Max 3. I would like to store it in a PostgreSQL if the app requirement needs the schema to be clear. and NoSQL like MongoDB for my personal projects. 4. Github hands down. 5. Docker

        Posted 4 months ago
        • 1. I guest JS for framework React.JS 2. JS & react are complete components 3. Redis so that I can utilize memory. 4. Github

          Posted 1 year ago
          • 1.Javascript 2.Javascript is a flexible language to manipulate image. 3.I can use Redis since i will not store the data in the database . will utilize the memory 4. Github flow

            Posted 1 year ago
            • Probably javascript The javascript is flexible langauge Probably not database i can use redis to utilize memory github

              Posted 1 year ago
              • 1. Javascript comes first to mind. 2. Since it has tons of libraries that can be used to resize images and I can utilize them. 3. I wont need a database since data can be deleted once it has been resize, so I'll probably use Redis so that I can utilize memory. 4. Github flow since it is more familiar

                Posted 1 year ago
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